What do you do at Cheops?
I'm a Software Engineer and work as a consultant at companies, where I manage the applications, adapting them to each customer's needs. My expertise is in Java. I’m currently working on a software migration at Argenta, where I'm in charge of configuring the Java applications. As a consultant, my job is also to advise customers. So if I notice that something can be done more efficiently, I’m also expected to give some input on this.
What are the qualities you need in your job?
For starters, you need to like change. You work on projects at the customer, meaning once you’ve finished, you go on to the next company. It’s really interesting, and you learn a lot in the process. You obviously need good basic knowledge to hit the ground running at the customer. Additionally, you need to be skilled at understanding your software code. I trained as a software engineer, and shortly afterwards began working as a consultant. Communication also plays an important part in our agile, scrum working methodology.
How did you find out about Cheops?
After graduating, I worked for various consultancies, but I never found the right match. I found that things often go wrong with admin in smaller companies, whereas in larger companies you tend to feel like a number. It took me a while, but when I ended up at Cheops, I realised that I had finally found what I was looking for. Although it’s a relatively large company, Cheops' personal approach ensures that you still have a voice as an employee. I feel like they really listen to what you have to say. Whenever there’s an issue, they always look for a solution.
Why did you choose Cheops?
The working atmosphere is great, and I'm surrounded by a bunch of smart people, who are good listeners, and have good social skills generally. I like working on projects in which I really want to grow. At Cheops they also like to do things the right way. Everything was in order from day 1. And the pay is also good, with all the perks, such as a PDA and a nice company car.
What are your ambitions?
I’ve always wanted to learn more about programming, so that is something that I will be focusing on in the future. I'm currently in a mid-level role; my ambition is to become a senior developer.
What does "Maestro" mean to you? How do you guarantee top quality?
The devil’s in the detail. Each company has its own way of building an application. I always start by understanding how my customer does this – how they build code. Good communication and being a real part of the team is also very important. That way, I can guarantee clean code and good tests, ensuring that the quality of my work is always top-notch.