How do you organise a
Microsoft Teams
Live Event?

How do you organise a Microsoft Teams Live Event?

With Microsoft Teams Live Events you can give a presentation or webinar to a large audience. It is a useful alternative to a physical event as it still contains all the ingredients, such as the Q&A session at the end. Below you will discover the possibilities of Teams Live Event and how to organise such an Event.

Verschillende opties om te werken met Teams

Microsoft Teams Meetings is now well known as an efficient online system for sharing documents, chatting and collaborating with colleagues. The big difference with Teams Events: Meetings can accommodate up to 250 attendees, while you can stream a Live Event for up to four hours to a large online audience of up to 10,000 attendees.

What can you use Teams Live Events for?

A Teams Live Event is not only suitable for organising an online event or the online streaming of a physical company event for those who cannot attend. It is also a very efficient way, for example, to share company news, provide internal training or discuss projects and reports. Moreover, with Microsoft Teams Live Event you can invite external attendees – so not just your own employees.

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The roles at a Live Event

The person who plans and manages the Teams Live Event is the Organiser. They do not necessarily have to participate in the event themselves. The Organiser invites the attendees and also manages the reports afterwards.

The Producer is the ‘host’ of the event. He or she is the only one who can start and end the event. The Producer also manages the content that is displayed. They are responsible for the viewing experience of the attendees.

The Presenter makes the content available through apps or screens. He or she presents audio, video or a screen and can also lead the Q&A session.

The Attendees are those people who follow the livestream and possibly the Q&A. The Producer should mute all the attendees and ask them to use the Q&A to ask questions.

Organising a Teams Live Event

It is very easy to schedule a Live Event using the Teams agenda. Click on 'New Meeting' in the top right-hand corner and then select 'Live Event'. Next add the details: a clear title, a start and end time and any additional information. You can also invite the people or groups required and assign the role of the presenter and producer to specific people. If you don't do this, the organiser becomes the producer and presenter by default.

Tips for the Producer and Presenter of the Live Event

It is advisable for the producer or presenter to go to the Live Event a little earlier than scheduled. This makes it easier to organise the content properly. The Producer will see two windows: on the left is the queue with content that you can prepare and on the right is the window that the presenter and attendees see.

Clicking on 'Send Live' will send the content from the queue to the public screen. You can then click on 'Publish' and confirm, so that all the attendees see the content. To make the presentation more personal, the presenter can add his or her webcam images to the livestream.

The presenter can select the Q&A button in the menu to see all the questions typed by the audience. You can dismiss or publish a question. Only published questions become visible for all the attendees. Using the 'Notes' tab, the presenter can open a window to make notes that are also available after the Live Event.

After the Live Event: recordings and transcripts

After the Live Event ends, the presenter, organiser and producer can download the recordings, transcripts, notes and Q&A from the Teams agenda. This is done by clicking on the finished Live Event in the agenda. It is also possible to make everything available for the attendees.


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